
Making it happen

At Dimension Energy, we are committed to making clean energy work for everyone.  Whether your background is in finance, construction, project management, energy, or something else, your expertise is essential to ensuring no one is left behind in the clean energy transition.

Our Values

Triangle behind a mountain range made with structural grid like texture

Mind the gaps

Silos are killers. If you see something, do something.

Stay on the bright side

We bring passion to our work. Fight with conviction and a smile.

Work together

Nobody knows everything, but together we can solve anything.

Ring the bell

Milestones matter. Celebrate the victories - each one is a stepping stone to something greater.

Doing work that matters everyday

Dimension is always looking for driven and curious individuals who will roll-up their sleeves as hands-on, collaborative problem solvers. If you are tired of feeling held back by red-tape and bureaucracy and have what it takes, we should talk!

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“The people we hire into Dimension are already top caliber problem solvers. We put them in a position where they’re empowered to use that.”
Jordan Ruttenberg
Vice President of M&A
“In order to get things done, you need to be curious and passionate about what you do.”
David Granlund
Vice President of Operations
“Coming to Dimension was a breath of fresh air. It’s the most effective company I’ve ever been in.”
Kieran Siao
Senior Vice President of Development
“Everyone has a voice. If I need to I can have a direct line to my CEO. That’s not very common.”
Will Cheesman
Construction Manager
“The most rewarding part of working here is actually seeing our projects come to fruition."
Sonnet Edmonds
General Counsel
“We look for candidates who are driven, we’re a company that’s made up of self-starters and high performers.”
Joshua Nislick
Vice President of Business Development
“The way we approach this work is boots on the ground. Zoom is great, but there’s only so much you can do virtually. A big piece of our method is to be there.”
Charlotte Parker
Director of Community Engagement
“The 'Dimension Way' includes disciplined financial rigor and a commitment to responsible project development and ongoing asset management on behalf of our investors and the communities we serve.”
Ryan Liddell

Let's connect

We each have a unique professional journey and experiences and encourage you to connect with us even if you don’t see a position posted that matches your background exactly. Please reach out at .

Contact Us

Dimension is always looking for community and landowner partners to spread the benefits of community solar to those who need it most.

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